Oui Bien Sur SPRL is committed to that the gathering and processing of your data, taken from the website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Who is in charge of your data ?
Oui Bien Sur SPRL
Rue de la Chapelle, 2a 5600 Samart
VAT : BE0 722 926 548
Register for Legal Entities : Namur
To ensure the smooth running of this website, informations related to navigation can be gathered and stocked on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) in files called “cookies”.
Cookies are small files stocked by your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your computer or smartphone. They allow to identify visitors in case of repeated visits on the website.
Functional Cookies:
Used for a more efficient navigation, they remember, for instance, language preferences.
Tracking cookies
They allow to supply website attendance analysis and to establish statistics.
Third-party service cookies
They analyse your profile and adapt the advertisement content. If you want more info about the use of your personal information by those third-service parties, we kindly invite you to consult their specific documentation.
Most of internet browsers are automatically configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure your browser to either accept or block some cookies. If you block all of the cookies, it can limit the access to the website. We kindly invite you to consult your browser’s specific documentations.
How we use your personal data
Most of our website’s services do not require any form of registration. However, some of our services require registration:
Orders: To process and deliver your orders and to inform you of its status. We use this information to process your transaction, follow your purchase and provide assistance in the case of issues with the delivery, returns and other problems related to the purchase of your products. The processing of your personal data for this objective is necessary for the application of the agreement we concluded.
Oui Bien Sur SPRL retains personal data no longer then strictly needed for the offering of our services or products, to perform transactions you have requested or for essential purposes like respecting our legal obligation, the settlement of potential disputes and to comply with our agreements. Because these needs can differ, the retention periods can also differ considerably.
We can maintain your personal data after a last interaction with us for a reasonable period for example to follow-up on an order. When the personal data we collected is no longer required for the purpose for which they were maintained, we will delete them in a secure way.
Under no circumstances shall the personal details you give us be made available to a third party
Your rights regarding your personal data
You have the right to access, delete or modify any recordings about you in our database.
If you have any question or need additional information about your data processing, please, contact us at:
Postal address: Rue de la Chapelle, 2a 5600 Samart
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.

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Copyright 2020 - Oui Bien-sûr SPRL