About us

A family business

Oui bien-sûr


Oui bien-sûr is a small family owned business that produces quality beers for its own pleasure and that of others. Through our extensive tasting research conducted at numerous beer tastings over the years, we have acquired a certain level of expertise in the brewing industry. We are nothing if not selfless and that is why we have decided it was high time we shared our knowledge with the rest of the world ! We feel that drinking a Non, Peut-être ! surrounded by family or friends should remain a special moment of relaxation and sharing. With this is mind, we always try our best to add a dash a comedy in all of our products. We are desperately trying to bring a little happiness to this crazy mixed up world we all live in.



With the precious help of the craft beer creation workshops from Novabirra, we have managed to create the recipe of the Non, Peut-être ! and, because we do not own our own brewery equipment, we have entrusted its production to de Proef brouwerij, a world-famous brewery that is perfectly capable of producing our delicious creations in the best way possible. This valued partner represents the assurance of perfectly controlled quality and an unbeatable flexibility in production.

To make our brand come to life, we have partnered with Planetdesign.be, a dynamic and flexible company who has been collaborating with us from the very start. They have assisted us in all aspects of brand design ranging from the design of our logo to the creation of our website and all of our merchandising.


Jean : +32 479/88 60 74

Jérôme : +32 497/57 93 48

Samart - Belgique

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Copyright 2020 - Oui Bien-sûr SPRL

Website created by Planet Design